Saturday, January 30, 2010

cute puppies of the day!!

These are the top 3 puppies that i think is cute!!

CHAMPION! the emo puppy!

second place.. the silly puppies!!

third place! the sleepy-head puppies..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

OMG! i want those!!

these are the least things that i want to make me that cute goth looking.. wahaha!!

  • dresses

  • shoes

  • corset arm-warmer

mamie!! i want all these!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

deep brokeen

i wont be regret for knowing u earlier,
i wont be regret for being with u all op this month/years,
not even a single bit op regret for l0ving u all op this period op tyme..

but i do regret for hurting u,
do regret for the things i've done to u,
mostly regret for the changing in u..

yah... i noe u'll be saying that u were still the same old u,
but thats sokei...
just let me,myself sense it..

i just hope that God could drag me into the million degrees op fire...